David Treece
BA, PhD (Liverpool), Reader in Brazilian Studies
Head of Department of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies
Director of the [ Centre for the Study of Brazilian Culture and Society
Tel 020 7848 1825, Email David.Treece@kcl.ac.uk
Teaching and Research Interests
Brazilian Cultural History; Literature and politics; Afro Brazilian culture; 20th-century Brazilian poetry and popular music;
contemporary Brazilian fiction and its translation.
Principal Publications
- Bound in Misery and Iron: the Impact of the Grande Carajás programme on the Indians of Brazil (London:1987)
- The Gathering of Voices: The twentieth-century poetry of Latin-America [with Mike Gonzalez] (London:1992)
- Ed. Long Night of Waiting: the struggle for Human Rights in Brazil (London: Brazil Network, 1998)
- Exiles, Allies, Rebels: Brazil's Indianist Movement, Indigenists Politics, and the Imperial Nation-state, Contributions in Latin American Studies, No. 16 (Greenwood Press. Westport, Conn. 2000)
- "Rhythm And Poetry: Politics, Aesthetics and Popular Music in Brazil since 1960", in Anny Brooksbank Jones and Ronaldo Munck
(eds.), Cultural Politics in Latin America (Macmillan, 2000)
- The Babel Guide to Brazilian Fiction in English Translation (Oxford, 2001) (with Ray Keenoy)
- Caio Fernando Abreu, Dragons (London: 1990)
- João Gilberto Noll, Hotel Atlantico (London: 1997)
- Ana Cristina César, Intimate Diary (London: 1997)
- Ed. Long Night of Waiting: the Struggle for Human Rights in Brazil (London: Brazil Network, 1998)
- João Guimarães Rosa, The Jaguar and other stories (Oxford, 2001)
- Co-editor, Portuguese Studies journal