Roger Sansi Roca
B.A. (Universitat de Barcelona), MA and PhD (University of Chicago)
Research Associate
Email roger.sansi-roca@kcl.ac.uk
Research and Teaching interests
Anthropology of Art and Material Culture; Anthropology of religion: Brazilian & Black Atlantic Cultural History: Theory of
Culture and Cultural Policy.
Principal Publications
- "De imagens religiosas a ícones culturais: reflexões sobre as transformações históricas de algumas festas públicas na Bahia."
in BIRMAN, Patrícia (ed.) Religião e Espaço Público November 2002, Sao Paulo
- "La Antropología frente la Estética Relacional" in ACTAS DEL IX CONGRESO DE LA FEDERACION DE ASOCIACIONES DE ANTROPOLOGIA DEL ESTADO ESPANOL, Barcelona, September 2002.
- "Art, Religion, and the Public Sphere in Salvador de Bahia, Brazil" Working Papers Series in Latin American Studies. U. of Chicago, Autumn 2001.
- "Gift and commodity exchange in a contemporary art performance in Barcelona", CHICAGO ANTHROPOLOGY EXCHANGE, Winter 2000.